Acquisition and Engagement 101: Your Guide to Maximizing Opt-ins
In this guide, we break down how communications across all available channels, placement of your program within the banking app and in-app messages ensure your launch is a success.
Find a detailed analysis of each channel of communication banks and fintechs use to promote their automatic cashback program.
We've divided the guide by channel of communication to give you a break down of how other banks have effectively communicated. You'll learn how to :
- Maximize acquisition of new opt-ins at launch
- Leverage email and newsletters
- Utilize your in-app channels: Interstitial ads, banners, carousels and push notifications
- Use traditional media outlets and social media to inform new and existing clients about cashback rewards
See how our partners generate a constant flow of opt-ins and lasting engagement with communications across all the channels at their disposal in the guide below.

See how leading banks plan the launch of their automatic cashback program
Learn how to plan your communications, generate a constant flow of opt-ins, and ensure lasting engagement
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