Nicolas x PayLead : leveraging transaction data to acquire clients and build loyalty

Nicolas x PayLead : leveraging transaction data to acquire clients and build loyalty

See the key takeaways from our breakfast event! We explored how PayLead has become a trusted partner for Nicolas. Christopher Hermelin, Nicolas' CMO, shared valuable insights, case studies, and impressive results during this engaging session.

Key results

ROI generated from the loyalty campaign
new clients activated from acquisition campaign
increase in purchase frequency
lift in wallet share

Founded in 1822, Nicolas is the French leader in wine retail, with 570 stores nationwide. Facing a dynamic commercial environment marked by rising inflation, increased competition from supermarkets, the emergence of e-commerce, and a decrease in wine consumption, the brand is exploring new strategies to attract and retain customers.

Christopher Hermelin noted : "Wine consumption in France has dropped significantly in recent decades and is expected to decrease by another 25% over the next ten years. French people are drinking less, but better."

To address these challenges, Nicolas partnered with PayLead in February 2023.


Stimulating demand through personalized cashback offers:

To boost traditionally slow post-holiday sales, Christopher Hermelin began working with PayLead to optimize Nicolas' commercial performance.

"The increased price sensitivity across all socio-economic classes makes cashbacks and targeted promotions even more important today." - Christopher Hermelin

Through our banking partners, PayLead developed and published attractive cashback offers tailored to targeted consumers' buying behaviors:

  • Customer acquistion : Using transactional data, Nicolas precisely targeted customers who hadn't purchased in at least six months, encouraging them to (re)discover the stores with attractive cashback offers (12% CPA).
  • Customer loyalty : Loyal customers were rewarded for repeat purchases (6% CPA), strengthening their brand attachment and significantly increasing their purchase frequency.


Delivering convincing performance

With initial results being very positive, Christopher Hermelin decided to extend the partnership throughout the year, not just during slow periods. After nine months of the campaign, the numbers speak for themselves: over 18,000 new customers were activated, with 35% already repeating their in-store purchases. Additionally, the loyalty offer attracted over 11,000 customers, leading to a significant 1.7x increase in purchase frequency (22x ROI).

This collaboration allowed Nicolas to effectively attract new consumers while strengthening brand preference among existing customers. This strategy also helped counter the rise of convenience stores in alcohol sales, increasing Nicolas' wallet share by 15 points.

We consider PayLead to be a true creator of new business. They allow us to address a qualified audience that's difficult to reach. The banks' media impact is considerable – Christopher Hermelin

A solid and lasting partnership

Building on these positive results, Nicolas and PayLead are now continuing their partnership long-term. The brand intends to maintain its competitive advantage in the wine and spirits sector.

Learn more about launching campaigns that drive sales with automatic cashback.

Acquire, retain, and build a loyal customer base with PayLead.

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