Pixpay brings its automatic rewards experience powered by PayLead to Spain
After the initial launch in Spain last November, Pixpay has now decided to open its rewards program to clients and accompany PayLead as its second partner in the country.
The partnership will see users in Spain receive automatic cash rewards for their purchases with participating merchants, both in-store and online. PayLead's frictionless reward experience allows Pixpay clients to earn cash rewards simply by purchasing goods with their Pixpay Mastercard without being tracked by third-party cookies, thanks to PayLead's ALO technology.
Founded by three parents in 2019, Pixpay has become the most widely used cashless banking solution for teens across France and Spain. The extension of their Pix&Love rewards program to Spanish users is the latest feature brought to their clients. It will further enhance the benefits of the cashless rewards experience tailored to the needs of their adolescent users.
“After quickly implementing and launching PayLead’s reward solution in France, we immediately placed its eventual extension into Spain on our roadmap. The seamless experience our users have come to know and love is now in Spain, and we look forward to seeing our clients use it first-hand and start being rewarded for their purchase decisions.” Said Caroline Ménager Cofounder and CMO of Pixpay.
Bringing Gen Z users closer to their favorite brands
Pixpay's decision to bring its rewards program to Spain corresponds with their mission to offer their clients cash rewards from brands that are top of mind for Gen Z users across Spain and France. PayLead has always held the end client in the highest regard and continues on its mission to bring personalized tangible rewards to bank and fintech users across Europe.
"This partnership exemplifies our goal to provide a virtuous model for all parties which allows banks and fintechs to generate a new source of revenue while providing tangible cash rewards for their customers that merchant partners fund." Said Jacque Becheau La Fonta, Co-Founder and COO of PayLead. "With our personalized rewards experience, we will be able to deliver the most relevant reward opportunities to their growing user base.", Added Jack Becheau La Fonta.
Pixpay's program marks the launch of PayLead's second partnership in Spain after landing in the market in September of last year. PayLead's white-label loyalty solution provides a seamless rewards experience for more than 25 banking and fintech partners across Europe, including BNP, Lydia, Ma French Bank of Groupe Banque Postale, Keytrade Bank in France, Belgium, and Spain.
PayLead's Payment Marketing platform uses payment data to service users with hyper-relevant offers. It gives retail publishers a tool to reward new and existing clients while generating incremental sales revenue.
Interested in learning more about our white label loyalty solution, creating great customer experiences, and growing your business with PayLead? Schedule a call